Men are so different to women in taking care of their health and wellbeing.  I have found over the years that now I believe it is best keeping it simple when it comes to inspiring your partner, father, son, or friend on ways they can improve their health.

It is important for men to know that they are only as strong as they feel, what they are focused on and if they are able to switch off at night. It is also worth noting as men move through the years, absorbing nutrients from foods is challenged and immunity may decline.

This is why Martin & Pleasance have formulated 3 key health solutions targeted at restoring balance by improving focus, reducing inflammation and supporting restful sleep.

I am often asked so how can I inspire my partner to take more responsibility for their health and wellbeing? I have found easy ways to support all men in your life with a range of Men’s Health solutions – all natural formula’s targeted for restored balance in men.

 If we encourage men to take responsibility for their own health this will serve them in the long run as I am yet to meet a person who is keen to be unwell.

 Wellness is a choice and let’s encourage our father, husband, partner, and son

to step into their accelerated wellness daily.


12 Easy Ways to support men in your life to live with

better health

Find ways to encourage them to:

  1. Stop Making Excuses. “I don’t have time.”
  2. Get Some Exercise. Regular exercise keeps your body strong and healthy.
  3. Portion Control.
  4. Eat More Fresh Food. …rather than packaged food
  5. Reduce Stress. …by removing their gadgets after 8pm daily
  6. Have regular conversations on how they feel
  7. Take herbs to assist with improved sleep …
  8. Yearly blood test to show how they are living inside their body
  9. Increase water intake
  10. Reduce salt in diet
  11. Switch off all gadgets before 8pm
  12. Increase fish intake or take omega oils


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