Achieving a sense of balance in our lives is easier said than done. Being healthy is more than just exercising and eating well – it’s a lifestyle. It’s about making the time to pursue the activities we enjoy, whether that’s connecting with mates, going to the park with the dog or playing and watching sport.

Prioritise your sleep

Replacing sleep with coffee and/or energy drinks it not at all sustainable. A good night sleep not only makes you feel refreshed but it also helps to manage stress & restore your body.

Getting energized – The right way

Don’t rely on the temporary boosts of sugary energy drinks or caffeine to get you through the day. Fuel your body with a wholesome breakfast, cereal, yogurt & wholegrain toast for longer lasting energy.

Get active

Regular physical exercise not only boosts endorphins (the feel-good hormone) but it also has a positive impact on sleep quality. Set aside time to visit the gym, walk your dog, start up a social weeknight basketball team or try to swim a couple of laps before work at the local pool.

Be a mate

When was the last time you discussed some of the bigger things in life beyond swapping Netflix series suggestions with your mates? Make it a mission to catch up with your mates away from the distractions of the footy or the pub every now and then.

Support a healthy prostate

As men age, they experience a gradual reduction in testosterone levels. By midlife, this slow reduction can manifest into physical symptoms.

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November 18, 2020

He Men’s Midlife Formula

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